====== Missing events from macOS builds ======
On some versions of Unreal Engine 5, the default [[https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements|entitlements]] used by Unreal Engine for some build types of [[https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/app_sandbox|sandboxed apps]] are missing the required support for network communication (entitlement [[https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_security_network_client|com.apple.security.network.client]]). This makes the operating system to discard all the messages sent by the plugin. The solution is to simply add the required missing entitlement.
===== Project settings =====
Options for the used entitlements can be found under //Project Settings > Platforms > Xcode Projects//, section //Entitlements//:
* //Mac: Development Entitlements//, set to ''/Game/Build/Mac/Resources/Sandbox.Server.entitlements''
* //Mac: Shipping Entitlements//, set to ''/Game/Build/Mac/Resources/Sandbox.NoNet.entitlements''
You must ensure the used //entitlements// files contain the following snippet:
===== Working entitlement file =====
For example, this is a minimal change of file ''Build/Mac/Resources/Sandbox.NoNet.entitlements'' for UE5.3.2 that makes the communication working: